Archive for January 26th, 2009

Not necessarily autobiographical. Or necessarily not.

Dang, youtube link is unfindable.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) –

The Senate
passed a bill on Monday to delay the nationwide switch to digital TV
signals, giving consumers nearly four more months to prepare.

The transition date would move to June 12 from February 17 under the bill that was fueled by worries that viewers are not technically ready for the congressionally-mandated switch-over.

Was it something I said, guys?

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100 Days meme – sounds good

From farfaraway who got it from writebrain:

Here are the rules:

1) you must start around now and end in around 100 days, by April 30th. You can complete a project that has been hanging around.
2) have a list of 5-10 things you want to accomplish in this time period (if you want to do more, go for it)
3) at least one must be in the service of other people.


1) Finish painting my living room.  It's a long story, but it's been half painted for about two years.

2) Finish emptying out Tom's mother's house, so we can get it rented out. It keeps not happening because I have been doing it with Tom, when he can come.
I have to just get a key, and do it myself, boxing up the stuff he has to consider.

3) Lose another 10 pounds.
I had this scary session at Kaiser, when I wandered back for an appointment after, um, cough, shuffle feet….about 12 years of hiding from the doctor. 
It seems my blood pressure is up, and my cholesterol isn't where it should be.
So I donated everything salty to the food bank, stopped eating anything [EDIT: add but….  Edit the EDIT: actually a fair amount of low-fat too, since there are some things that just don't work non-fat] non-fat, and filled in the gaps with veggies, starting in September, and have lost 25 pounds.
But things slowed over the holidays, and with traveling, so now I have to get that scale moving again, and here's a target.

4) Finish moving furniture and de-junking the downstairs, quickly, while Sair is still overseas and Tom is still teaching.
Because this stuff seems to be much slower with help.
Maybe commit to

5) Something for other people?
A little harder, since I seem to have any number of projects in the house screaming to me to do.
Maybe I can finally get around to setting up a neighborhood meeting.  
The local cops come by to talk to people about safety and to update us on crime and other issues in the area.
The lady who used to do this every year moved back to England, and we missed this fall.
And for hosting it you get a big dumpster out on the street.
Probably this shouldn't happen until June, when the weather is warmer so it can be outside in the back yard, and
people coming for the summer can benefit.
But if I get it set up by the magic date, that should count.

So, I'll keep you posted on these. 

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