My Hero

A mosquito was just bothering Motley.
He ate it.

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15 responses to this post.

  1. Does Motley eat scorpions? Ask him if he wants a summer job and I'll put him up during the season. He'll get all the kibble he can eat and I'll even turn the A/C down a few degrees to keep him cool. My Elvis won't mess with them, but some cats are great scorpion hunters.


  2. The mighty hunter! My cats don't know what to do with any bugs they catch.


  3. Nummy!Where in the heck do you find unfrozen bugs?Stupid arghargh weather!!!!!


  4. He sure has a colorful soft spot to snuggle on! Can I come schnuggle too?


  5. There's some sort of gnat buzzing around me. Please to buy Motley a BART ticket and send him over. Or I suppose he could just walk under the turnstiles.


  6. Kitties iz good. &:o)You can almost always count on them to do the proper thing! ( Except if it's inconvenient for them at the moment, and then they DON'T do the proper thing — but you know what I mean.)


  7. Well done, Motley. If he wants, he can come by for a visit. He and my girl can hunt the thousand leggers that make their re-appearance in the spring. EEEW!


  8. hehehehe


  9. I once knew a secret college kitty who was Mighty Hunter of Cockroaches… could also ride around the room standing on my shoulder, jump from there up to a high shelf to explore, then back down again (ONTO my shoulder).


  10. Teho-Either he landed with velvet claws or you wore a jacket, I alMotley is refusing guest appearances at this time.Though I'm sure he'd love the 1000-leggers (less sure about scorpions), and gnats? (We've got plenty, thanks tho. Or maybe they're fruit flies).I doubt that The Mot would try dodging the turnstile — he's utterly terrified of the police.We have our suspicions about why.Anyway, he's got to stay home and work on the spiders.He catches them in his paw first, and then carries them up to his mouth to chomp.I can't decide whether this is more civilized than eating them off the floor, or just weird.(Or maybe it means he doesn't get to fight against the Midianites.Just as well, the lady cat in the back unit is already beating him up.)


  11. Motley is a god.
    I don't think anything else needs to be said.
    (leaves the thread, deeply moved)


  12. What a mighty hunter! We don't get enough bugs around the Miao House to keep the Brothers entertained for long. Or probably, the Batcat and Co. keep the premises fairly secure.My dorm back at college sure could have used Motley's help. Those millipedes were the size of large mice! Once, I felt one whooshing by my bare foot. Its size and speed created its own air currents. I can't kill them myself, but when a cat comes to my rescue, it's just nature taking its course.


  13. LOL, go, Motley! littlem, millipedes?! Ewwwww.


  14. Motley, I love you. Will you be mine?(For a few days only, of course. With the approval of Lauowolf.)


  15. Psycho's kitty ate a roach in front of me today! Yay!


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