Archive for April 16th, 2012

So, we have new tenants

I was trying to be good, and stick to The Plan.

The Plan is that we mostly rent to students.
Partly because we know why students are looking for apartments, and what they are doing for rent, and the like.
And partly because Berkeley has vacancy-decontrol for rents.
That is, there is rent control, with the city dictating the annual rent increase, for continuing rentals, but the base rent can be changed every time there is a new lease.
And students will leave eventually.

But of the two sets of students I liked, the first set changed their minds about looking for a place now, since only one of them will be around for the summer, and the second set wanted to start paying rent in another six weeks.
Much as I liked her, I didn’t like her a couple of thousands of dollars or rent worth.
Not to mention my experience with teaching undergraduates: any student who starts off asking for a favor is going to end up being just plain trouble.

So we’ve rented to non-students, mostly just because I thought they seemed okay.
They are relocating from LA.
She has a job about four blocks away.
They have an indoor cat.  (Orange ladycat.)
They are arty types.
He’s done building maintenance and is going to paint the place before they move in, and so some other minor fixes which otherwise I would be out back doing right now.
In other words, they are grown-ups.

So here’s crossing my fingers.