Archive for March 31st, 2007

And the rest of the day.


This morning I got the possum packed up for Tom to take into the rescue people.
Sent Sarah in to morning class, fussed around at home, and took off at 10:50 to get gas in the car on the way to pick up the kid at 11:15, and drive her through the tunnel to Walnut Creek for Pilates.

So I pull in to get gas, and as the car slows there's a loud, whiny noise, loud enough to get the lady inside giving me a dirty look.
So I get out and try to look harmless (noise? moi?), fill the car and start to leave.
Car won't really go into gear, continues to make a variety of noises, stops pretty much ten feet along.
(In a parking space. Volvos are like that. Like when the alternator died on that looong stretch of 5 where there's nothing for about 45 miles? It rolled to a stop at a call box.)
Sarah is going to be standing out on the curb in 15 minutes, there is no phone there, and the building closes behind them after the morning class.

So I called Enterprise, and they got me picked up, did the paperwork, and had me out the door in TWELVE minutes.
I got there before Sarah got out.

Of course then I had to drive an SUV to Walnut Creek and back, and it was completely yucky.
It was also the last rentable vehicle they had, because it's spring break.
But it was like driving a school bus.
No turning radius, lousy visibility back and sides, and difficult to see around the corners of the car in general.
Really scary to drive and not be able to see easily.
Ugh, ugh, ugh.

Anyway, I got my car towed to the garage (transmission? clutch? we'll see.)
Got Sarah to her afternoon ballet.
Got the hideous vehicle turned back in, and got a ride home.

There's a catfight on the front porch.
Motley and a big white cat I've never seen are singing opera to each other by the cat door.
Henrietta and Wolfgang are a little farther back, providing moral support, but also getting in the way of the stranger's exit.
I go in, pick up Motley (he hates fighting and doesn't mind my interfering), and move him out of the way.
Shoo the Hen and Wolfie further away, and allow the white cat to leave.
And everyone to seriously unfluff.

But the guy won't go.
He's completely hanging out, and trying hard to come into the house.
Incredibly friendly.
Finally we put a little dry food out, and took a good look at him.
He didn't have a collar, but wasn't skinny, and wasn't really hungry, but he was very grubby.
Takes him about two hours to finally decide to just head (I hope) home.
So, how do you tell if a cat has a home?

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